Energy Modelling for LEED® certification is the single largest credit with 18 to 20 points out of 110 possible credits in a project, including all bonus points. The modelling enables compliance upon Energy and Atmosphere (EA) Credit Optimize Energy Performance and EA Prerequisite 2 Minimum Energy Performance.
As stated in LEED v4 reference guide, the Whole Building energy simulation analyses efficiency measures during the design process and account for the results in design decision making. Use energy simulation of efficiency opportunities, past energy simulation analyses for similar buildings, or published data (e.g., Advanced Energy Design Guides) from analyses for similar buildings”
An Energy Model is a design tool to analyse efficiency measures, focusing on load reduction, passive measures and HVAC-related strategies appropriate for the facility. Project potential energy savings and holistic project cost implications related to all affected systems.
Comply with the minimum energy performance requirements as stated in ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA standard 90.1:2010.