GRIHA is an evaluation system that means Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) that consists of 34 criteria included in 5 sections such as:
SVA GRIHA is a Small Versatile Affordable GRIHA, which is a simplified version and more affordable rating system for smaller buildings. This version consists of 14 criteria.
Both systems assess buildings at design stage with issues related to sustainable habitats. It was founded by the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in India. Both GRIHA and SVA GRIHA can be applied worldwide.
Is a system that assists architects and developers in designing as well as rating a building.
Buildings larger than 2,500 m2 (except industrial complexes) which are in design stage, can apply for certification under GRIHA. From the 34 criteria, 4no are mandatory and the minimum score to achieve one star is 50 points.
SVA GRIHA is for buildings smaller than 2,500 m2 which has a minimum requirement of 25 points to achieve the minimum rating of 1no star. There is no mandatory requirement.
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